Sunday, January 26, 2020
Assessing The Difference Between Crime And Defiance Criminology Essay
Assessing The Difference Between Crime And Defiance Criminology Essay Crime and Deviance, is a major topic which affects mostly every society in todays world. When defining crime and deviance, it will depend of the norms and values of a society. Many societies have many different values and norms. Norms of society, is where all society members are expected to conform to certain behaviours. Values of a society, is where a society values something which all society members conform to. For example, many societies value certain types of religion such as Christianity or Buddhism and many other types of religion. Crime in society, is usually very specific, that it goes against the laws of society. People who commit crimes, are breaking the law and if caught, must be punished. People can be punished for committing crimes such as burglary, damage to peoples property, murder and assault. People who are found guilty of committing crimes, must be punished by the courts of law. Crime is a relative concept. This means that how a society views criminal acts, can differ. Criminal acts in one society, may not be seen as a criminal act in another society. Society may also differ in how to punish people for committing specific criminal acts. (Broom and Selznick, 1963 p 540,541). When looking at crime in society, it is important to look at the physiological and psychological approaches in relation to crime. These approaches have been criticised. Looking at the physiological approach, a biological theory was carried out by Cesare Lombroso. Cesare Lombroso, tried to find out if there was a connection between crime and biological causes. In 1876, Cesare Lombroso carried out research called LUomo Delinquente. Cesare Lombroso (1835 1909), came up with the suggestion that criminals could be identified using certain physical characterisitics such as large jaws, low foreheads and excessive body hair. Cesare Lombrosos work was dismissed, because the theory was only focused on the criminals, in prison. This theory failed to take into account, why some people who have similar human attributes, are found throughout the world. The theory, failed to explain how certain physical human attributes distinguish criminals from people who do not commit criminal activities. (Macionis and Plummer,1998. P207) The psychological approach suggests that criminal behaviour, could be explained due to the individuals mental make up and processes such as personality, rather than the persons physical characteristics. Hans Eysenck, carried out research in Crime and personality in 1964. Hans Eysenck, suggested that it was possible that certain personality traits that people have can make certain people resistant to discipline than others.(Stephenson,1992. Page 7). Hans Eysenck also suggested that people with certain personality characteristics would be more likely to commit criminal behaviours.(Stephenson,1992. Page 7). Overall, using the physiological and psychological approach has been criticised as it does not take into account some factors such as exploring how conceptions of right and wrong initially rise,.(Macionis and Plummer,1998. P208). Deviance can be defined as behaviour which does not conform to certain norms of a specific society.(Haralambos Holborn,2008). Deviance can be explained as a more broader term than crime. It is not specific and deviant behaviour may not be criminal. Deviant behaviour can be positive and the behaviour can be rewarded. An example of positive deviant behaviour can be soldiers fighting for their country. They may be rewarded for their bravery and courage. Deviant behaviour can also be negative. An example of negative deviant behaviour may include people who commit murder. This may go against the societys value of the worth of every individual and norms, resulting in severe punishment. Some deviant behaviour may be tolerated in todays society. The behaviour is not punished or rewarded, by society members. (Haralambos Holborn,2008 P.321). Many societies have accepted same sex relationships and families, which would not have been accepted many years ago. They are not rewarded or punished, they are tolerated in the society. Laws of society can change, which does depend on the norms and values of society members. As change can happen, crime and deviance can change as well. It is very difficult to give full definition of deviance, as there is no complete way. It is a broad area of research. Behaviour which was viewed as unacceptable and deviant, may be accepted in todays society or in the future. For example, in some cultures in the past it was considered deviant for women to smoke and to wear make up in public places. Nowadays, women have more freedom to wear make up or to smoke in public places. Another example is homosexuality. Before 1969, it was illegal for men to have homosexual relations. As the laws changed in 1969, it was made legal that men over the age of twenty one could have homosexual relations.(Haralambos Holborn, 2008. P322). The famous writer, Oscar Wilde was imprisoned for having an illegal relationship with Lord Alfred Douglas before the 1967 Sexual Offenses Act was passed. (Johnston,2002.) Deviance is culturally determined(Haralambos Holborn,2008. P322). This means that deviant behaviour can change due to different cultures or some societies may accept certain types of behaviours, whereas other societies may find the behaviour unacceptable. (Haralambos Holborn, 2008 p 322). The functionalist theory in relation to the topic crime and deviance is functionalists see society as a whole, using a macro level approach. Functionalists focus on more on the sources of deviance in society, not how people commit deviant behaviour in a society. Functionalists suggest that crime and deviance can provide a a positive function in society. People may feel as part of a community and more part of a society. An example of this is when the Dunblane Tragedy occurred. This affected many people, which formed more of a closeness in society. Emile Durkheim suggested that a certain level of crime and deviance is necessary, in order for a society to function. The crime and deviance levels may become dysfunctional if crime rates increase. This can create a society whose social order is disrupted, which can create social chaos. If crime rates decrease, stagnation may occur where the society may not function properly. Robert Merton (1968) suggests that anomie, where people feel norml essness in a society, could happen if a society does not function properly. Emile Durkheim also suggested that some members of society, may rebel against societys norms and values. Some people may have different views on the norms and values of society. Functionalists also suggest the crime can produce employment for people in society. Functionalists suggest that without criminals, many people in the police force, prison workers, court workers would not have employment. An example of a Functionalist theory on Crime and Deviance is Emile Durkheims study of suicide(1897). Durkheim mainly focused on suicide rates to see if there was any social conditions which could influence or discourage people from committing suicide. Emile Durkheim noticed that suicide rates seemed to rise more during periods of political hardship during 1848, around different European countries. Emile Durkheim recognised that suicide rates might be related to social stability and integration of society. Using this theory, Emile Durkheim used a different set of data, mainly from European countries. Observing the suicide rates in different European countries he noticed that they were comparably differences but began to notice a pattern. Most countries who practiced Protestant as their religion had the highest suicide rates than countries who mainly practiced Catholic as their religion. Main protestant countries had one hundred and ninety suicides per million people. These figures were compared to mixed protestant and catholic faith countries who had ninety six suicides per million people. Main catholic countries had fifty eight suicides per million people. Emile Durkheim began to wonder if there was a link between suicide and reli gion. Durkheim tried to look at other factors such as economic and cultural differences. After looking at the suicide rates of Bavaria in Germany where mainly catholic people stayed there was a low number of suicides. Emile Durkheim then looked at the suicide rates of Prussia where mainly people had a protestant faith. He noted that Prussia had a higher suicide rate than Bavaria. Emile Durkheim then concluded that religion is related to suicide. Using this theory and the information he collected before, he concluded that suicide can be due to Anomie. This means when a society is normlessness, where there is lack of social stability and integration. During political hardship, people may feel not a part of society and feel suicide is the only way out. Durkheim concluded that there is low suicide rates in Catholic countries because there was more social control and stability that the religion brings than the protestant countries. Durkheim concludes that social stability and integration acts as a protection for people in society from insecurity and suicide. To evaluate the Functionalist perspective on crime and deviance, is that the functionalist theory provides a macro level approach. It looks at the bigger picture, giving more insight into how a society structures relating to crime and deviance. It gives a better debate, regarding how the biological theory relates to crime. Anomie, described in Robert Mertons theory (1968) gives more in depth sociological thinking, into todays society. However, Emile Durkheim was criticised for using statistics that was unreliable in his study of suicide(1897). Durkheims statistics, were only used in Europe. No other countrys statistics was used, so the theory can not be related to other countries. The statistics did not disclose the circumstances of how the people committed suicide. Many deaths, were not ruled out as accidents or murder. As the functionalist perspective only looks at the macro level approach, it does not include how people are affected by crime, individually. Functionalists assume that crime, can bond communities together in society. Victims of crime, may withdraw from society or move away from society. The functionalist approach, does not take into account individual differences in society. Functionalists also suggests that crime and deviance to a certain extent, positively benefits everyone in society. Marxists focuses on the capitalist system, but Marxists criticize that only some people in a certain group have only advantage. Other groups can be disadvantaged. The functionalist approach does not take into consideration, that society may have different groups. The functionalist theory mainly focuses on that society, as one big group. Feminists suggest that some theories, conducted with malestream views will not be able to distinguish the connection between crime and gender. Feminists can start to identify a number of issues between women and crime. Feminists such as Otto Pollak, the masked female offender, suggests that official statistics in relation to gender and crime, can be misleading. This is because the majority of police officers, court judges are male orientated. Women tend to be more leniently charged with crimes, compared to men due to their role in society. Some feminists suggest the court laws can be biased against women. Many men may be more bias, because of how a women can break traditional roles in society. Feminists such as Freda Adler(1975) suggests that because women have more freedom in society, this can cause an increase in how women can commit crimes. She suggests that this does not include the biological theory, that changes in society can change the way women behave. Pat Carlen(1988) suggests that because women have more freedom in society, that they do not have the opportunity to commit crimes. Carlen suggests that women can be more supervised by males, throughout their lives. Women, who usually have the traditional role of cleaning, house making, childcare duties will have less opportunity to commit crimes than males. An example of a Feminist theory, relating to crime and deviance is the study of Delinquent Girls(1981) by Anne Campbell. Anne Campbell carried out a study called delinquent girls in 1981. Anne Campbell suggested that more womans behaviour was becoming increasingly delinquent and in some cases, violent. Although, she argued that the changes in womens role in society, the womens movement was not a direct cause. Using primary research, Anne Campbell suggested that more young women were less prone to expressing their anger and aggression. They would more likely to keep it to themselves. Anne Campbell then suggested that a number of social and economic reasons was the reason why so many women have equal rights in society. More womens freedom in contraception and employment did give women more freedom in society. Anne Campbell suggested that this leads to a reduction in sex-role disparity and a more active roles for girls in all activities-some of which many be delinquent. Anne Campbell, 1981 Anne Campbell noticed that most of the female offenders, did not think that they had any freedom in their society. They opposed to being independent and career orientated, so they had no womens freedom in society( liberation). Anne Campbell then suggested that the rise in female delinquency, was due to the police attitudes towards young women and how the judicial systems perceives women in a society. She also looked at how women can be easily viewed by members of the public, fighting in public areas which showed an increase. As a conclusion, Anne Campbell concluded that the impact of freedom of women in society could not be directly related to crimes which women commit. To evaluate, that the feminist theory has raised more awareness of women in society. Changes in the law, where women have more equal rights. Crimes which mainly are affected by women such as rape or domestic abuse is dealt with more seriously with the police authorities. In society, women have more of a say in todays society. New laws such as the Equal Pay Act and the Sex Discrimination Act gives women more of a voice in todays society. It identifies more of an gender inequality, in crime and deviance. The feminist theory can focus too much on gender. Factors such as class and ethnicity are not included. Feminist studies such as Delinquent Girls(1981) by Anne Campbell more emphasizes on gender, Anne Campbell did not include class or ethnicity into the studies. Anne Campbell also used a small number of people which was suggested, did not represent other women in society. The feminist theory, also does not include the differences of women. They assume that all women have the same circumstances or characteristics in society, they do not look at individual differences. An example is the study of Delinquent Girls, where Anne Campbell did not individualize the people in the study. The Marxist approach is a conflict approach, which does not agree with the functionalist approach. Sociologists suggest that people who own production, have more power than the people in the ruling class(the working class). Marxists suggest there is a conflict in the capitalist system between the capitalists and the ruling class. Marxists also suggest that the laws made in society, protect the capitalists which gives them more social control in society. William Chambliss (1976) suggests that some laws are not needed in society. He suggested that property, made the most income and the people who owns the property, would become resources of economy. He suggests that laws are made, to protect the interest of the capitalists. Marxists also suggest that crime is mostly seen as a problem, mostly in the working class. The ruling class(capitalists), are more likely to get away with crime, than the working class. The Capitalists have more influence in society, so they are most unlikely to get in trouble for crime. A Marxist perspective study was carried out by Laureen Snider in The Politics of Corporate Crime(1993) suggests areas which have capitalism are most unlikely to introduce laws, which might not attract businesses. Capitalist states, use a lot of money to invest in business. They are unlikely, to introduce laws which may discourage business. Laureen Snider also suggests that most of the serious crimes are corporate crimes, committed in modern industrial countries. Laureen Snider, suggests that Corporate crime is much more serious than street crime such as drugs. This is because more money is spent and more people are killed in corporate crime than street crime. For example, Laureen Snider suggests that an estimation of 20,000 people are killed because they were murdered. Laureen Snider then suggests that 14,000 people lost their lives due to industrial accidents, 30,000 people died from using consumer products which are usually illegal and unsafe to use. 100,000 people have died due to working conditions causing disease. Snider, suggests that corporate crime costs more peoples lives than street crime. Snider also suggests that, people who commit corporate crime usually have lenient penalties or charges. There are very few corporate crime cases, which proceed to legal court. To evaluate, the Marxist perspective identifies that the Capitalists can be involved in crime, not just the ruling class using sociological studies such as The Politics of Corporate Crime(1993). Corporate crimes can affect people in society, not just street crimes. This is due to the statistics researched by Laureen Snider(1993). Highlights the inequality, that the ruling class faces towards crime and deviance in society, because they do not have as much power, influence as the Capitalists. Laureen Snider, suggests the idea that Capitalists are less likely to enter court proceedings for corporate crime shows how powerful Capitalists can be in society. The Marxist approach has been criticised for having a simple view on how power is divided between the capitalist societies. Some people suggest that capitalist societies does not always have increased levels of crime. Stephen Jones(2001) suggests that Switzerland, is a capitalist society which crime rates remain low. Whereas the Marxist approach mainly focuses on crime and deviance, it relates to the conflict theory of the Capitalists and the ruling class.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Homeland Security Phase Essay
The risk of terrorism has especially been high following the September 11, 2001, round of attacks.à The government and the people do have an inherent fear of terrorism, and the government and taken up many program and policies to counteract terrorism.à The role of public in the way it could help prevent terrorism and reduce the risk is still being assessed.à Besides, the terrorist organizations have also shifted their areas of interest due to several reasons including a stronger stance by the government and the law-enforcing agencies, destruction of several of the terrorist bases and finances, and greater use of terrorists on creating losses in terms of man and money. Following the 9-11 attacks, the top leadership of several terroristsââ¬â¢ organizations has been weakened.à These organizations have shifted their leadership from a centralized system to a peripheral one.à Although, the chances of coordinated attacks are less, there are increased chances of isolated incidents.à However, these can claim a huge toll in terms of human life.à After the happenings of September 11, the security in several parts of the US has been advanced.à The incoming flights and airports have been thoroughly checked.à As the security levels become more and more harder, the terrorists aim at softer targets (by which people would be completely caught unaware).à These terrorists groups aim at specific targets (such as hotels, places of worship, shopping malls, airports, aircrafts, etc), where the toll on humans is high (Dixon & Reville). It is important that the risk of a terrorist threat not only be identified, but also develop a plan to manage the risk.à The management of the entire terrorist threat should be done in three steps.à These include: ââ¬â 1. Identification of the threat and assessment of the initial site/s ââ¬â The type, nature and the probability of a terrorist attack should closely be assessed.à The intelligence agencies would have some measures in place by which such risks are identified.à They should also consider attacks on well-protected structures.à The law-enforcing agencies should conduct a site assessment of the probable terrorist location to determine the level of protection that is actually present and the extent to which it can be improved.à In this case, as the terrorist group is against capitalism, they would mostly attack a famous business building in the US City. 2. Assessment of the risks ââ¬â The effects of the terrorist attack on a probable location should be closely assessed.à Some of the common analysis that is conducted includes analysis of explosives and blasts, and threats arising from nuclear, chemical and biological weapons.à Building and structures are closely assessed using the blast and explosive analysis.à The agencies should conduct a detailed analysis of how the building would react to an explosive, and the amount/type of explosives that would be require to completely collapse the building.à Specialized software tools are usually utilized.à Accordingly, the agencies can look out for the presence of such explosive in the building. 3. Management of the risks ââ¬â This is similar to management of any other disaster such as an earthquake or a tsunami.à The risks have to be management at several periods depending on what intelligence the agencies would be obtaining.à If the intelligence agencies get an idea that at a particular time, a specific building would be attacked, then it would make sure that the building is well protected and that the terrorists are caught.à However, if the intelligence agencies do not get a specific idea, then it would have to increase the security measures in general and accordingly plan for an emergency or a disaster, so as to reduce the causalities.à Efforts should also be on to reduce the financial risks if possible.à Insuring the high-risk areas can do this.à (Gould, 2004), One of the theories utilized to counteract terrorism is the policy of pre-emption.à According this theory, by acting first, an attack an effectively be prevented.à The law-enforcement agencies should use preventive action against the terrorist in order to prevent a life-taking attack.à Preemptive attacks could be considered as a separate law to launch an attack on the terrorist (Embrey, 2003).
Friday, January 10, 2020
Play Activity Assignment Essay
This assignment is called Play activity. It is worth 30% of the overall grade of the module Early Childhood Education. As part of the assessment criteria of this assignment I must complete a play activity to a group o children aged between 0-6 years. WORK PLACE I have been starting to work in Creche X in Donnybrook area since two weeks ago (as a full time). I have been in a free trial, then part time till they decided I can start full time. I work in Baby room. There are five children at the moment. I love children and I like being around them. I havenââ¬â¢t worked before with babies, so it was a challenge and a big responsibility for me and I was very happy for the chance given to me. Despite the fact I had no experience to work with babies, I learnt lots of things in a short period of time and I can say I still have to learn few more. It is a small but spacious, but friendly and brightly creche. It is a full day care service from 7:30 till 6:00. They have a Baby room, Wobblers room, Toddler room and Montessori room. The Baby room has also a cot room with 4 beds. It is a lovely room plenty of toys and books (for babies). The creche has also a changing room, an office, a kitchen and a large outdoor garden. They provide breakfast and hot nutritious meals. All of their staff (six persons) are full trained and experienced. They are Garda vetted and First aid trained. They use the Montessori and Highscope methods of play and education. They have a secure access, outdoor safety surface, wheel chair accessible, daily log kept for parents. When parents come to pick up their children they must say a password or if they send somebody else to pick up their child, they must call before and then to say a password as well. DUTIES * Sign the children in and out * Keep daily record of each child (record book) * Parents sign in and out * Changing nappies * Feeding children * Playing with them ( sponge painting, hand print, activity gym, ball play, pulling objects, mirror play, face expression, different kind of music, messy play, etc) * Bring them to sleep area * Verify then from tem to ten minutes * Write every day on a Care of Sheet the quantity and the hours they had their bottles of milk, solids, how many time nappies were changed, * Write down on the Cot Sheet that you verified the children and they were safe at that moment * Answer the phone. * Hovering and mop every day the room * Fill out an accident report * Chat with parents about dayââ¬â¢s activity * Medical consent and administration form for medicines given to children must be completed by the manager, parent, staff and witness. * Take the temperature of children that seem to be sick checking from 15 to 15 minutes and right down on the medicine book; if the temperature is high we call the parents * Verify every morning and afternoon the temperature from refrigerator * Hover and mop all the creche one day a week (when my turn comes) PERSONAL PROFILE My name is Mihaela Serea. Iââ¬â¢m from Romania and I came in Ireland in 2008. I have been starting to work as a child minder for two families. I took care of a child of four years old and one of three years old. The second family just moved in UK two months ago, so I decided to start Fetac Level 5 in Childcare. In Romania I went to College for a period of 4 years Faculty of Letters, profile Romanian-English. During the college I completed the courses for the Department of Teaching in primary/secondary school. After the college I have done a master degree in Business Management for one year and half. During my Master degree I had the opportunity to work in a kindergarten. I was afraid of taking care of small children, but it was a really pleasant experience and I enjoyed it a lot. Some other courses completed: when I was in secondary school, I decided to do some courses within the area of computers. What I want to achieve from this module Early Childhood Education? It is a crucial period of children at this age, so I want to explore all the aspects of a child development, from safety and psychology to physical, cognitive and emotional development. I want to help children to gain confidence in everyday tasks, to ensure that the play is conforming to official health and safety standards. It is a period when walking, talking, vision of the world and moral foundations are established. The early years of life are critical to the development of intelligence, personality and social behavior. I would like to learn about children needs and interests. My unique selling points I enjoy teaching, but in Romanian language because it will be easy to express myself. In English I loose myself, I forget the words, I don t know anymore what I want to say, it s difficult, because in school we donââ¬â¢t communicate enough, we just learn to read, to write, grammar, exercises. When I was a child I dreamed to be a teacher. All my story books have marks on. I like painting, singing, computers, I like to be informed. One day I believe I will have my own business a creche. But first of all I need to work in a creche for more years to get more experience and to find out everything I need to know about. I like children very much, I will be a good manager and I think it will be good money as well, if I provide a good service. Title of play activity: Autumn leaves Aim Autumn is a great time to teach children about leaves. I want to learn them through play and exploration of the nature and to get involved with it. Collecting different leaves they learn different colors, shapes and structures. Another aim is to develop childrenââ¬â¢s creativity by mixing colors, working in groups. Consultation with my supervisor When I take a group of children out I have to be aware of their safety: planning, permission, supervision, transport. In my case, I go into a park just near by our location with a group of pre school children. I spoke with my supervisor to give permission and a letter should be sent to all the parents/guardians of the children. Co-operation with families is essential to ensure the welfare of the children. The supervisor told me it s not necessary a transport, because it is just two minutes away. We do not need packed meals, only some bottles of water, tissues, spare clothing, small first aid kit, a charged mobile phone and emergency contact numbers, ensuring that the serviceââ¬â¢s insurance policy includes adequate cover for outings. I have to take care of health, safety and hygiene of children maintaining a high standard of care which promotes the development of the children. Children should be suitably dressed for the outing in cloths which protect against the weather. Children should not wear their best cloths. Childrenââ¬â¢s clothing needs to allow them freedom of movement so that they can take full advantage of all the opportunities offered on the outing. I remembered to children about road safety. Always we cross the road at safe points such as traffic lights. I checked the place in advance to be sure of the facilities that are available and the area that may be a danger to children. Benefits of my chosen theme: A study of leaves/ autumn opens up possibilities for learning in many content areas. Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Art all contribute to a unit on leaves. If there is access to a park or playground, the children can go on a leaf gathering walk. When this isnââ¬â¢t possible, children can be encouraged to gather leaves at home with their families and bring them in to the classroom, or teachers can provide the leaves. Leaves change colors, usually from green to red, orange, yellow and brown. Leaves can be found on trees, fall to the ground and we rake them. Children sort the leaves they collected by color, size or type of leaf. Fall is a beautiful time of year, when the leaves change color and fall from the trees. Besides sweeping them up and bagging them, consider putting the fallen leaves to good use. Children collect and turn them into leaf art. The multi-colored leaves make beautiful craft projects, and the best part is that theyââ¬â¢re free. There are several types of crafts you can do from leaves. The only limit is your imagination. Going out in the park they learn different types of animals. Also children learn about the season ââ¬Ëââ¬â¢autumnââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢: season of the year between summer and winter, lasting from the autumnal equinox to the winter solstice and from September to December; period of maturity verging on decline. Five related themes: 1. Leaf print 2. Hedge hogs 3. Colors 4. Collecting leaves 5. Autumn leaves Chosen activity: I have chosen an art activity to be completed with a group of 5 children within a pre-school setting. Preparation: * I will talk with my supervisor in order to inform her about the background of the play activity assignment * I will bring a photocopy of my plan about this play activity * During the meeting I ask her about some suggestions related to the play activity and its educational content * I ask my supervisor if parents will give the permission to take the children in the park * I will ask my supervisor about a suitable time and location to complete the play activity and what I may need to get. * I wil try to figure out how long it may take to complete this activity * I will create a checklist in order to ensure that all essential supplies are present during the play * Equipment needed to complete the skills demonstration will be: baskets to collect the leaves, glue, white papers, small and big paintbrushes, water based paints, paper plates, paper tissues, wet wipes, and aprons. The paint used will be non toxic. Implementation: First of all the activity will be safe for the children to undertake. The park was at 5 minutes walking away from our location and it was a safe area. I gave them baskets to collect the leaves from the park We spent 2 hours in the nature Wash hands Gather materials using the checklist as a guide Set out an area permitted by the supervisor Put on the aprons on each child I give to each child a paint brushes and paper plates I showed them how to make the operation They cleaned up the mess Evaluation: As part of my assessment for the FETAC module: Early Childhood Education, I must complete one play activity within a work place setting. I tried to follow step by step the plan in order to complete the Play Activity ââ¬Ëââ¬â¢Autumn leavesââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢. I spent almost two hours in the park with children, and then we came back. 1. How the skills demonstration went from my personal viewpoint 1. In my opinion everything went very well and I was really happy that I succeeded to complete it. The children helped me a lot because they followed my verbal instructions. Before we have gone to the park, I gave them wood baskets to collect the leaves. I provided all the materials they needed to deal with for printing leaves on the papers. First of all I showed them how to do it. I took one of my own leaves, I painted it and I put the painted side on the sheet of paper and gently press it with my hands. After few seconds, I lifted the leaf. They could choose small/big paint brushes and colors to use. I could see they tried to make the operation very well exactly as I showed it to them. TC1 and TC3 showed a big concentration. Despite of the fact that CT2 wanted to work on his own, he mixed the colors very nice. 2. How the skills went demonstration went from the childââ¬â¢s viewpoint The Play Activity ended very well, all children have been happy about their creations. I put on their creations their names and I hanged them on a wire. They applauded/clapped their hands and had big smiles on their faces. They showed a lot of concentration when they started to paint. 3. The last part of the evaluation is actually the development of children through this play activity as following: P. I. L. E. S Physical Development: This was developed when all the children collected leaves from the ground and when they printed the leaves on the papers. In the park they collected leaves using their fingers (fine motor skills). They moved from a place to another, jumping and running around developing their gross motor skills. (Large muscles: legs, body movements). They held the paintbrushes (fine motor skills) to print the leaves. Intellectual: They counted how many leaves they had at the end and they sorted the leaves based on colors and sizes (Logical/math). They compared their leaves to see who has the largest one (Concentration). Through art they developed their creativity and expression of their art when they put different colors of leaves on papers. Children love to find interesting shaped leaves. T. C 4 remembered some names of the trees they learned in the classroom (memory). T. C 1 pretended he is the child of the jungle, Mowgly (imagination). T. C3 stick two papers side by side to make a bigger collage of leaves printed and T. C4 mixed the colors of the leaves on the paper. (creativity). TC4 pretended he is a rabbit in the forest, so he started to jump like a rabbit. (imagination). Language: This was developed when children understood my verbal instructions related to leaves (collecting them, counting them, make comparisons, painting the leaves then stick them for few seconds on the papers, etc). They learned new words related to and animals trees like maple, oak, squirrels, etc Emotional: This was developed when T. C1 expressed his happiness about discovering he found the largest leaf. T. C2 started to sing a song we have learned in the class. T. C4 started to cry because he falls down on the ground. TC3 was angry because TC1 pushed him on a side just to take his leaf he found on the ground. They developed feelings associated with winning and losing. Social: This was developed when I brought them together in the park, in the nature. T. C1 was playing with the others. T. C3 collected leaves with T. C4. (team work, the ability to work in groups, interaction with the others). When we were in the classroom I put them to work in pairs of two. (they learnt to share the equipment, be patient, clean up the mess). Howard Gardner Kinesthetic: CT4 jumping like a rabbit, so he developed his gross muscles (legs). They played together, running. CT3 is very good at craft, he was doing a great job sticking two papers side by side, and making a bigger collage of different colors, shapes of leafs printed. Naturalist: CT2 was excellent at recognizing the squirrels. They enjoyed being in nature, exploring the nature, collecting leaves. CT1 recognized some flowers. Interpersonal: CT3 seem to be a a natural leader enjoy teaching the others how to paint the leaf and then to stick them on the paper. I noticed CT3 is a closed friend to CT4. Intrapersonal: When I put them to work in groups of two, CT2 replied to me that he prefers working alone. He showed a strong sense of independence in the park as well collecting the leaves on his own. (He does a great job on his own). Recommendations for change: I propose for the next time when we go into a trip, we should choose a larger place with more attractive/educational spots for children to see and we should take more children and more staff. It will be more fun. Impact on children: Children enjoyed going out exploring the natures, collecting the leaves. They deal with shapes, colors, how they look combined. They loved to use different colors to paint the leaves and they seemed very enthusiasts about their work. At the end at the project they were proud of their work. They learned to work in groups. Painting gives them the ability to share their equipment, to clean up their mess. They learned to be patient, they learned new words. Personal learning: * I learned to complete a play activity in a pre-school setting * I learnt to apply theory to practice * I improved to communicate with my supervisor and ask for advice regarding my plan activity.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
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Teaching Listening Steven Brown cambridge university press Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sà £o Paulo Cambridge University Press 32 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10013-2473, USA à © Cambridge University Press 2006 This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2006 Printed in the United States of America Book layout services: Page Designs International Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 Introduction 1 Activation of prior knowledge for improved listening comprehension 2â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The idea of prior knowledge is one part of the cognitive model of language processing. That model says that when people listen or read, we process the information we hear both top-down and bottom-up. Top-down means using our prior knowledge and experiences; we know certain things about certain topics and situations and use that information to understand. Bottom-up processing means using the information we have about sounds, word meanings, and discourse markers like first, then and after that to assemble our understanding of what we read or hear one step at a time. 2 Teaching Listening I like to use as an example of the two kinds of processing my experience buying postcards at an Austrian museum. I speak no German. Having calculated that the postcards would cost sixteen schillings, I walked up to the counter and gave the clerk a twenty-schilling note. She opened the cash register, looked in it, and said something in German. As a reflex, I dug in my pocket and produced a one-schilling coin and gave it to her. She smiled and handed me a five-schilling coin. I managed the conversation based on my prior knowledge of how one deals with small change at a store. In some sense, I didnââ¬â¢t need to speak German, I just needed my prior knowledge. Later on that same trip, however, I did need to manage a transaction ââ¬Å"bottom upâ⬠when I asked at the Madrid train station for tickets and was answered by a torrent of language that
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