Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Organizational Issues and Recommendations Essay

Organizational Issues and Recommendations - Essay Example Organizational Issues and Recommendations The Taylorist production approach was established by F.W.Taylor, who gave birth to Scientific Management. His school of thoughts is termed as Taylorism. Taylorism believed that any job can be learnt and taught. This theory treats the humans like machines and proposed that for the achieving higher production the management must eliminate inefficiency from its functioning. However, this theory completely neglects the usual complications that happen within a normal human being (Boyd, n.d). Taylorist production style supports the assembly line system where each worker performs the same task repetitively. Here the concept of division of labor was given significance and people started getting specialized in a certain domain while the rest of the production system remained unknown to them. A strict supervision policy was maintained within the organization which created distance between the management and the employees. The repetition of same task created frustration among the workers. The q uality of work started to decline which affected the management adversely. In turn the employees were threatened and scolded which ultimately resulted in more and more employee turnover. The management thought of forming groups for reducing the work pressure on individual employee and delegating each group with a particular task, like a group was responsible for making the engine and other relevant parts while another group worked on the creation of seat and the third group focused on the making the wheels of the car. The fourth group would work towards assembling the parts of the car and presenting the final product. The Issues faced by the firm The manufacturing unit realized that even after implementing the form of group work in their day to day operations, the problems like employee turnover and poor performance didn’t reduce. As they hired me as an HR consultant, I studied the various facets of the organization and reached the conclusion that the groups are suffering fro m several issues like role conflicts within groups, communication problems among group members, lack of cohesiveness in groups with diverse members and excessive intergroup conflict. Thus before proceeding with the recommendations towards solving these issues, it’s necessary to study the impact of each of this issue on the organization and the group in specific. The issues are discussed as follows- Role conflicts within groups This kind of conflict occurs between groups when the members feel uncertain about the role to be played by them. The group members might get a feeling that they are in charge of more than one responsibility within the setting of the organization and that the roles might prove to be contrasting each other. If the probability of two or more roles is irreconcilable, role conflict becomes prominent (Losh, 2011). For instance, a superior at a manufacturing plant might feel tensed due to the role played by him or her as the person poses to his juniors both as a friend and as a mentor at a time. Role conflict can occur due to non-availability of proper socialization facilities inside the organization. Group conflicts might take place due to several reasons which are- Misinformation and miscommunication Perceived or real disparity in the priorities and needs of the groups Perceived or real disparity in perceptions, values, culture, attitudes and beliefs Different structures

Monday, February 3, 2020

Evaluate a college website Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Evaluate a college website - Essay Example It has a very nice layout, which is aesthetically appealing to the students. At once, the individual is exposed to the DePaul logo. Clearly, the university makes its brightest mark at the fact that it is an outstanding university with its prestigious achievements. It keys on the idea of learning and teaching, a mutual collaboration between students and teachers. If students want to apply online, it is easily navigate to the application page. Furthermore, it is one of the most The website is extremely user friendly as clear differences are made for accessibility. Students can also connect to external sites such as campus connect or desire 2 learn. The background is solid blue with white text which facilitates the overall process. All the correct information was found on the information tabs. For instance under â€Å"admissions and aid,† the tuition guidelines are listed along with financial aid. In addition, the â€Å"student life† highlights the key critical development areas for students to visit in order to harness their growth. A great thing about this website is the fact that there are no unnecessary pop ups. Since it is an educational institute, it completely eliminates that problem. Lastly, it utilizes the future technology with having links to social networking websites. Undoubtedly, this shows it understands the students and to build a network. The tuition for undergrad is $30,000 per year. It was super easy to find under â€Å"admissions and aid.† It lists out all the information for all different colleges. Since DePaul has college of commerce, law, education, and liberal arts; all have different tuition rates for each school. I would give DePaul’s website a solid A for many reasons. First and foremost is the fact that the graphical layout is very creative and attractive. In addition, it provides all the necessary information for any individual who not only wants to learn more about the college but the city itself. In addition, the website engages